The complete 2023 Learning Series has been announced and it's a line-up that our members are very much looking forward to.
On behalf of the CAC Board of Directors, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all of this year's presenters, panelists, hosts and moderators. All learning series participants give freely of their time and knowledge, and we can't thank them enough! Let's please express our gratitude by packing that seminar room - Salon D at the Plaza- for all sessions on both Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please remember that a reunion ticket lanyard, visible at all times while in the seminar room, is required to attend the Learning Series and that no video and/or audio recording of any learning series forum is allowed without the written consent of the Cauliflower Alley Club.
With that in mind please check-out and make your plans to attend all of our 2023 Learning Series events.
The complete listing of events, dates, times and participants can be found here: