Welcome and thank you for visiting the Cauliflower Alley Club’s “Learning Series” events page. It is here that you will find the line-up and schedule of the CAC’s Learning Series events held annually at our fabulous reunion in Las Vegas.
Unlike traditional, one-off seminars or events held around the country, the Cauliflower Alley Club is unique in that, in addition to our fabulous banquets, awards and other CAC-related activities, the CAC offers its reunion attendees an opportunity to attend a full two days of seminars conducted by industry experts. You can choose to attend one learning experience or, hopefully, all of them. The choice is yours because admission to every one of the seminars is included in the purchase of your reunion ticket and up-to-date CAC membership.
The CAC is so fortunate to have a wealth of very knowledgeable industry professionals in our midst—professionals who graciously volunteer their time to instruct, educate and share their knowledge with those who are willing to listen—professionals who all do it for free because, like us, they believe in the CAC mission to financially assist those in the wrestling industry who have fallen on difficult financial times.
We are eternally grateful to our Learning Series presenters and hosts, as well as all of our CAC membership. Please drop by our Learning Series presentation room when you are at this year's reunion. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn and the fun you’ll have while learning it!
Ron Hutchison
Reunion Seminar Administrator