Welcome friends and CAC members to the brand new Cauliflower Alley Club website.
It is here that you will find all things necessary to get the most out of your Cauliflower Alley Club membership. Up to the minute club and industry news, the latest on our annual reunions and online renewals of your annual membership as well as the ability to make a one time purchase of a CAC Lifetime membership. In addition to the above very cool things, please don't forget that the website is your one stop shop to purchase your annual reunion ticket for our get-togethers in Vegas! Of course, tickets are now on sale for this year's reunion, to be held at the Plaza Hotel and Casino on Aug. 28-30, so if you haven't purchased yours yet, now would be an ideal time to do so. These are just some of the things you'll be able to do right here on the site.
Please browse, read about our history, learn about our benevolent fund, our annual awards, etc. Plus, brand new to this website, for the first time ever visit our CAC shop to purchase your CAC T-shirt through Pro-Wrestling Tees with all proceeds, of course, going to the CAC benevolent fund.
A big thank you to our web designer Jeff Docherty for the revamp. I am sure that you'll agree with the Executive Board that Jeff's done a very refreshing, much needed and slick overhaul of the site. We sincerely hope that you enjoy the new site and remember to visit us frequently for the most up-to-date, official Cauliflower Alley Club news possible.
See you in Vegas!!